Pakistan Flag using C++ : For Loop

‪#‎include‬ #include void main(){clrscr();int x=20,z=x-14;for(int i=z-z;i<=x+x;i++){ cout<<"*";}cout<<endl;for(int j=z-z;j<=x;j++){cout<<"ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ\t\t\t\t*\n";}for(int k=z-z;k<=x+x;k++){ cout<<"*";}gotoxy(x,z++); {cout<<" _**";}gotoxy(x,z++); {cout<<" *";}gotoxy(x,z++); {cout<<" * * ";}gotoxy(x,z++); {cout<<" ** ** **";}gotoxy(x,z++);{cout<<" *** *** ";}gotoxy(x,z++);{cout<<" ** * *";}gotoxy(x,z++);{cout<<" * ";}gotoxy(x,z++);{cout<<" *";}gotoxy(x,z++);{cout<<" ~**";}gotoxy(1,24);{for(int c=1;c<=21;c++)cout<<"**\n";}getch();}

Typedef in C++

The typedef-names are aliases for existing types, and are not declarations of new types. Typedef cannot be used to change the meaning of an existing type name (including a typedef-name). Once declared, a typedef-name may only be redeclared to refer to the same type again. Typedef names are only in effect in the scope whereContinue reading “Typedef in C++”

Coping Reverse Array into Another Array

This Program Take an array and copy that array into another array after reversing it  #includevoid main(){int A[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};int B[10];cout<<"\n Array A is: ";for(int i=0;i<=10;i++){cout<<A[i]<<"  ";}for(int i1=0,j=10;i1<=10;i1++,j–){B[j]=A[i1];}cout<<"\n Array B is: ";for(int i2=0;i2<=10;i2++){cout<<B[i2]<<"  ";}}

Heart ♥ in C++ .. ☻

#include#include#include void main(){clrscr();int num;cout<<"Please Enter Number : ";cin>>num;cout<<"\n\n";int g=num*2, x=num/2, v=0, m=num,n=0; for(int q=0;q<(num/2);q++){for(int u=0;u<x;u++)printf(” “);x–;cout<<char(3);for(int o=0;o<v;o++)printf(” “);v+=2;cout<<char(3);for(int l=0;l<m-1;l++)printf(” “);m-=2;cout<<char(3);for(int a=0;a<n;a++)printf(” “);n+=2;cout<<char(3);printf(“\n”); } for(int i=0;i<num;i++){int s,j;for(s=0;s<=i;s++){printf(” “);}cout<<char(3);for(j=0;j<g-1;j++){printf(” “);}g-=2;cout<<char(3);printf(“\n”);if(i==(num-1)){for(int f=0;f<(num+1);f++)printf(” “);cout<<char(3);}}getch();}

Turbo c++ for android { Complete guide of installation }

Hello guys, today in this post I will explain how to download and install turbo c++ in android. I am sure you are aware about for turbo c++. Well turbo c++ is one type of compiler which is specially designed for c/c++ .One can easily perform most of the c/c++ programs with help of turbo c++! We already provided turbo c++ for windowsContinue reading “Turbo c++ for android { Complete guide of installation }”