Program To Find Factorial Of any no ~ Assembly language

include .datamsg byte “Please enter a number: “,0,13h,10hnum dword ?fact dword 1 .codemain proccall clrscrcall crlfmov edx,offset msgcall writestringcall readintmov num,eaxmov ecx,nummov ebx,1 D2:mov eax,factmul ebxmov fact,eaxinc ebxloop D2 call crlfmov eax,factcall writeintexitmain endpend main

Find No is Prime or Consonant ~ Assembly Language

include byte “Plese Enter the No to Find its Prime or not :”,0,13h,10hmsg2 byte “No is Prime”,0,13h,10hmsg3 byte “No is Consunant”,0,13h,10hnum dword ?loop1 dword ?result dword ?.codemain proccall clrscrcall crlfmov edx,offset msg1call writestringcall readintmov num,eax mov loop1,eaxsub loop1,2mov eax,loop1mov ecx,eaxmov ebx,2 L1:mov eax,nummov edx,0div ebxmov result,edx cmp result,0je bjne nextnext:inc ebxloop L1 call crlfmovContinue reading “Find No is Prime or Consonant ~ Assembly Language”

Program To Find No is Even or Odd ~ Assembly Language

include byte “Plese enter a no : “,0,13h,10hmsg1 byte “NO is Even “,0,13h,10hmsg2 byte “No is Odd “,0,13h,10hnum word ?result word ?.codemain proccall clrscrcall crlfmov edx,offset msgcall writestringcall readintmov num,axmov bx,2mov ax,nummov dx,0div bxmov result,dxcmp result,0JE EJNE O E:call crlfmov edx,offset msg1call writestringjmp stopO:call crlfmov edx,offset msg2call writestring stop:exitmain endpend main

Program To Print Table of Any Number :: Assembly Language

include .dataresult dword ?num dword ?msg byte “Enter number You Want To Print Table”,0,13h,10hmsg1 byte ” * “,0msg2 byte ” = “,0 .codemain proccall clrscrcall crlfmov edx,offset msgcall writestringcall crlfcall readintmov num,eaxmov ecx,10mov ebx,1L1:mov eax,numcall writeintmul ebxmov edx,offset msg1call writestringmov result,eaxmov eax,ebxcall writeintmov edx,offset msg2call writestringmov eax,resultcall writeintcall crlfinc ebxloop L1exitmain endpend main

How To Program In Assembly Language

As we Know Assembly Language is a Low Level language … So Their is a Compiler IDE for almost every programming language so for assembly we use Masm615 to compile over assembly code . Download MASAM615 :: :: Click Here– Download masm615 from above link and extract it in any where in your PC Disk drives.. HowContinue reading “How To Program In Assembly Language”

Simple Calculator Program in Assembly Language

This Program have Option of addition, subtraction, multiplication, divisionit will get values from user and then show the result using cmd—————————– include .dataline   byte    ”  This is a Simple Calculator in Assembly  “,0,13h,10hline1  byte    ”  Chosee Operation:  ‘+’   ‘-‘  ‘/’  ‘*’   “,0,13h,10hline11       byte    ”  Continue reading “Simple Calculator Program in Assembly Language”

Assembly Program to Divide 2 Integers

include  byte ” This Program will Divide 2 Integer numbers: “,0,13h,10hmsg2 byte ” First No is  =  “,0msg3 byte ” Second No is =  “,0msg4 byte ” Result is equal to  =  “,0num1 word 10num2 word 5 .codemain proccall clrscrmov edx,offset msgcall writestringcall crlf call crlfmov edx,offset msg2call writestringmov ax,num1call writeintcall crlf mov edx,offsetContinue reading “Assembly Program to Divide 2 Integers”

Assembly Program to Multiply 2 integers

include  byte ” This Program will Multiply 2 Integer numbers: “,0,13h,10hmsg2 byte ” First No is  =  “,0msg3 byte ” Second No is =  “,0msg4 byte ” Result is equal to  =  “,0num1 word 18num2 word 20 .codemain proccall clrscrmov edx,offset msgcall writestringcall crlf call crlfmov edx,offset msg2call writestringmov ax,num1call writeintcall crlf mov edx,offsetContinue reading “Assembly Program to Multiply 2 integers”

Assembly Program to Subtract two integers

include  byte ” This Program Subtract 2 Integer numbers: “,0,13h,10hmsg2 byte ” First No is  =  “,0msg3 byte ” Second No is =  “,0msg4 byte ” Result is equal to  =  “,0num1 word 110num2 word 20 .codemain proccall clrscrmov edx,offset msgcall writestringcall crlf call crlfmov edx,offset msg2call writestringmov ax,num1call writeintcall crlf mov edx,offset msg3callContinue reading “Assembly Program to Subtract two integers”

Assembly Program to add two Integers

include .datamsg  byte ” This Program Add 2 Integer numbers: “,0,13h,10hmsg2 byte ” First No is  =  “,0msg3 byte ” Second No is =  “,0msg4 byte ” Sum is equal to  =  “,0num1 word 10num2 word 20 .code                                Continue reading “Assembly Program to add two Integers”