Merge Sorting in Assembly Language

This Program Take 2 Sorted Array merge them so that the final array will also be sorted ..Assembly Program by Programming Seekerz include .dataarr1 byte 10 DUP(?)arr2 byte 10 DUP(?)arr3 byte 20 DUP(?)len1 dword ?len2 dword ?len3 dword ?msg1 byte ” Enter 10 Numbers in Array 1: “,0msg2 byte ” Enter 10 numbers inContinue reading “Merge Sorting in Assembly Language”

Bubble Sort in Assembly Language

include .dataarray byte 10 DUP(?)swap byte 0msg byte ” Enter 10 NUmber: “,0msg1 byte ” After Sorting : “,0msg2 byte ”   “,0 .codemain proccall clrscrcall crlfmov edx,offset msgcall writestringcall crlfmov edx,offset arraymov ecx,lengthof arraymov esi,0 L1:call readintmov array[esi],alinc esiloop L1 mov bx,1mov ax,8 mov edx,offset array .while bx > 0mov bx,0mov si,0 .whileContinue reading “Bubble Sort in Assembly Language”

Program to check No is Palindrome in Assembly

This Program Take a No from User Reverse it to check that it is Palindrome or Not Assembly Language Code From Programming SeekerzzZZ include .datanum word 0key word 0temp word 0i word 0reverse word 0msg byte “Enter the number: “,0msg1 byte ” No is Palindrome “,0msg2 byte ” Not  a Palindrome “,0 .codeMain proccallContinue reading “Program to check No is Palindrome in Assembly”

Binary Search Code in Assembly Language

Binary Search Code in Assembly Language … Compiler Masm615 include .dataarray byte 10 DUP(?)num byte ?first byte 0middle byte 0last byte 0msg1 byte ” Enter 10 Number in Array : “,0msg2 byte ” Enter Number to Find: “,0msg3 byte ” Found “,0msg4 byte ” Not Found “,0 .codemain proccall clrscr call crlfmov edx,offset msg1call writestringcallContinue reading “Binary Search Code in Assembly Language”

.IF statement in Assembly Language

Write an assembly program that take age of 50 people and count the number of people lives in the age group given below ? Also print the age 20 – 30 years 40 – 50 years 35 – 45 years 25 – 45 years include .datamsg byte “:  Enter a No: “,0msg2 byte ” Sory Range Not FoundContinue reading “.IF statement in Assembly Language”

Program to generate 20 Even no and then saved and display them by after making Odd

Program to generate 20  Even no and then saved and display them by after making OddAssembly Language include .dataarr dword 20 DUP(?)msg byte ” Even NO: “,0,13h,10hmsg1 byte ” After converting it into ODD: “,0,13h,10hcount dword 0num dword 0divied dword 0 .codemain proccall clrscrcall crlf mov esi,0.while count != 20;call randomizecall random32 mov eax,100call randomrangeContinue reading “Program to generate 20 Even no and then saved and display them by after making Odd”

Using AND convert lower alphabets into upper ~ Assembly Programs

This Program Use AND operator to Convert lower alphabets into upperx   y   x^y1   0    00   0    0  1   1    10   1    0 include   alp byte ?  msg byte “Please Enter an Alphabet to Make it in upper latter: “,0,13h,10h  msg1 byte “In upperContinue reading “Using AND convert lower alphabets into upper ~ Assembly Programs”

check parity of 8-bit number Assembly Program

See Also: Check Parity of 32-bit Number Assembly Program                 Check Parity of 16-bit Number Assembly Program                 Check Parity of 8  -bit Number Assembly Program include    num byte 122msg  byte “Parity Flag is set   : PF=EVEN “,0,13h,10hmsg1 byte “Parity flagContinue reading “check parity of 8-bit number Assembly Program”

Check parity of 16-bit number Assembly Program

See Also: Check Parity of 32-bit Number Assembly Program                 Check Parity of 16-bit Number Assembly Program                 Check Parity of 8  -bit Number Assembly Program include    num word 39263msg  byte “Parity Flag is set   : PF=EVEN “,0,13h,10hmsg1 byte “Parity flagContinue reading “Check parity of 16-bit number Assembly Program”

Check Parity of 32-bit Number Assembly Program

See Also: Check Parity of 32-bit Number Assembly Program                 Check Parity of 16-bit Number Assembly Program                 Check Parity of 8  -bit Number Assembly Program include    num dword 3043274211msg  byte “Parity Flag is set   : PF=EVEN “,0,13h,10hmsg1 byte “Parity flagContinue reading “Check Parity of 32-bit Number Assembly Program”