How to hack frinds facebook ID by Phishing

How to create a Facebook fake login page with fake facebook login script,For that not much Technical Knowledge required,By using 1 html page and 1 php script,You can easily create a Facebook fake page. Iam providing you both tool html page and php script,Just download both from download link below Before starting the tutorial. DownloadContinue reading “How to hack frinds facebook ID by Phishing”

how to make a fake warning masg

Fake warning message Fake warning message Ok first we will start with the easy one, the fake warning message.This is how to do it:1.Open note pad2.Type this in@echo offmsg * Warning your computer has detected a virus.msg * To remove the virus click OK or close this boxmsg * Your Hard drives are now beingContinue reading “how to make a fake warning masg”