Binary Search Code in Assembly Language

Binary Search Code in Assembly Language … Compiler Masm615 


array byte 10 DUP(?)
num byte ?
first byte 0
middle byte 0
last byte 0
msg1 byte ” Enter 10 Number in Array : “,0
msg2 byte ” Enter Number to Find: “,0
msg3 byte ” Found “,0
msg4 byte ” Not Found “,0

main proc
call clrscr

call crlf
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
call crlf
mov edx,offset array
mov ecx,lengthof array
mov esi,0
call readint
mov array[esi],al
inc esi
loop L1

call crlf
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
call readint
mov num,al

mov al,lengthof array
add al,first
mov bl,2
div bl
mov middle,al
mov bl,first
.while bl <= last
movzx si,middle
mov al,num
.if array[si] < al
mov al,middle
add al,1
mov first,al
mov al,num

.elseif array[si] == al
mov edx,offset msg3
call writestring
call crlf
jmp e


mov al,middle
sub al,1
mov last,al
add al,first
mov bl,2
div bl
mov middle,al

mov edx,offset msg4
call writestring
call crlf

main endp

end main

Published by Affairs Outline

Affairs Outline - Talking about current affairs around the glob

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